Dearest Cat ... these photos are amazing. You might have read through posts that my camera was stolen but I'm back in action! BIG HUGS (am posting from the lake eyeing 'the moon', thinking of you, my dear bloggin' sister).
Cat, these are some of my very favorite photos yet...simply GORGEOUS!! You really need to get some of your photography into a magazine and share it with the world. BEAUTIFUL!!
Great Photos - Please stop by and check out my blog. Iowa Nature Photos will now be a photo blog with no caption or commentary. I do not have the time to dedicate to my blog that I have in the past but would still like to post photos. I hope that you will continue to support my blog in the future.
Hi Catherine! You have a beautiful posting. I so look forward to seeing what creative compostion you'll have for us wach week. My moon vine is blooming but I don't have your camera or talents so I appreciate the images.
Hi Catherine, I like your reflections. I like your moon picture better still, my present camera won't take moon pictures. My old Kodak did, of sorts. Happy Skywatching, sorry I'm so late (busy week!). Thank you for visiting my Guatemala clouds and for your nice comment. ..
Your SWF photos are so artistic! I especially love the first set. Excellent photography and whatever special effects you use to put them all together. I'm clueless on photo editing, so no idea how you made them collage-like or anything, but the effect is lovely.
Hi Cat, been a while since I stopped by, just been enjoying the nice - but rainy summer we've had over here. Your shots are great as always! Take care, Andrea
Your moon shot is so much more creative than mine! I have never been successful growing moonflowers either - they look so pretty! What a lovely SkyWatch!
You have some really beautiful photos here.
Very creative and great photos.
You have some nice photographs here in this post. Very creative work.
Beautiful photos! Great shots!
These are fantastic and well presented.
Moon and moonflower -- what a terrific idea! they are all so beautiful!
Very nice presentation... Well done...
Beautiful & interesting - Great presentation - Well Done!
Cat: Excellent way of showing all your shots for SWF. You did a superb job on these.
Nice idea, looks great!
Dearest Cat ... these photos are amazing. You might have read through posts that my camera was stolen but I'm back in action! BIG HUGS (am posting from the lake eyeing 'the moon', thinking of you, my dear bloggin' sister).
What a fun way of showing your pictures. That moon shot with the clouds is very striking.
I like the way you present the images! very nice!
Wow! I think my favorite is the moon and moonflower but they are all just gorgeous!
Thanks for paying me a visit and you're very nice comment.
What a great compilation of photos.
Have a nice weekend.
Nice collages!
Special beautiful shots.
Cat, these are some of my very favorite photos yet...simply GORGEOUS!! You really need to get some of your photography into a magazine and share it with the world. BEAUTIFUL!!
Hi Catherine...
This is a delightful set of pictures.. the moom and moon flowers are stunning... Excellent Sky Watch post....
Very creative and beautiful :)
Great Photos - Please stop by and check out my blog. Iowa Nature Photos will now be a photo blog with no caption or commentary. I do not have the time to dedicate to my blog that I have in the past but would still like to post photos. I hope that you will continue to support my blog in the future.
The last picture is a very special and almost magical one! Beautiful!
Having investigated yout blog after popping over here for thos glorious skywatch shots you have, what Can I say. Outstanding photography on each post.
Hi Catherine!
You have a beautiful posting. I so look forward to seeing what creative compostion you'll have for us wach week. My moon vine is blooming but I don't have your camera or talents so I appreciate the images.
Hi Catherine, I like your reflections. I like your moon picture better still, my present camera won't take moon pictures. My old Kodak did, of sorts.
Happy Skywatching, sorry I'm so late (busy week!). Thank you for visiting my Guatemala clouds and for your nice comment.
Your SWF photos are so artistic! I especially love the first set. Excellent photography and whatever special effects you use to put them all together. I'm clueless on photo editing, so no idea how you made them collage-like or anything, but the effect is lovely.
I like the combination of the moon and the moonflower! Creative!
Hello !
Beautyful monlight shadows
Thank you for your kind comments on my blog earlier.
Wow, what you do with photographs is very very creative, the photos are lovely but what you add to them is something special.
Very pretty.
Beautiful :)
I'm not sure why, but your photo makes me think of weddings. Absolutely charming.
What a stunning presentation. I love the collage of moon and blossoms....
Nice group of pics for Sky Watch
Lovely picture, just gorgeous! The last one is a very special one, take good care of it :)
How skilful and clever you are with you camera...very creative :)
Those are good pictures individually but put together for reflections as well, are special.
Thanks for visiting.
i can see you are an experienced blogger. Welcome.
Love your SW photos - very kewl-
Hi Cat, been a while since I stopped by, just been enjoying the nice - but rainy summer we've had over here. Your shots are great as always! Take care, Andrea
Beautiful and interesting. Very creative in how the photos are presented. I like it! :)
You have some fabulous photos! We use Moon flower a lot at work. It is always a hit.
love your creativity with the photos. flowers and the moon!
Sorry it took me a few days to get here, we have been away with no net acess, I get the shakes when I can't go on line for a few days.
Great photos, I really like your post processing. It is always refreshing to find something different. Well done.
Excellent & unique shots. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Very nice collection of photos, and great presentation!
I miss my moonflower...not sure why I haven't had any blooms yet. I grew it in the hottest spot in my garden but we had a blessedly mild summer.
very nice assemblage here!
Your moon shot is so much more creative than mine! I have never been successful growing moonflowers either - they look so pretty! What a lovely SkyWatch!
Cat, those moon pictures are outstanding.... i have yet to take a photo like that....
and the multi-exposure... oh my, that's just downright beautiful..
Wow Cat, outstanding images a usual. Your creativity ceases to amaze and awe me. Have a wonderful weekend.
Hey Cat...thanks for commenting on my page, your site is really cool, you are so talented! Inspiring work.
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