~Rain covered mornin glories~
~"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread,
Places to play in, where nature may heal
And give strength to body and soul."
~John Muir
My Garden is just that place for me!

~A Beautiful August sunday in the Garden~
~Those who contemplate the beauty
of the earth find reserves of strength
that will endure as long as life last.
~Rachel Carson
Hope everyone enjoyed a beautiful weekend
and a beautiful Sunday...
Hope you all have such a place to play in, where nature
may heal and give strength to body and soul!!
Wow, stunning and beautiful, so very good, and the colours fantastic.
A ll great captures and Macro's.
Your pictures and collages are so beautiful like usual. I love the macro pictures of the Monarch. In Germany it 's too cold for this butterfly.
Have a great week.
Hello Cat!
What lovely pictures you have on your site! Fantastic! Thank you for the nice words on our blog.
Sunny wishes,
Hi Cat,
Thanks for stopping by....I've missed your lovely pictures and hope you will post more. But I imagine you want to spend as much time outside in your garden as you can. You should join us in B&W Sunday...it's fun to see nature and flowers in total simplicity. You do take great color shots though!!!!
Enjoy your week!
coming to your blog is like a big gooey brownie for me I can never get enough ..lol
looking at your beautiful collages always make me smile.
Thank you for stopping by..
Have a good one.
Hugs, Cherry
Thank you Catherine for all the nice comments you left on my blog. Your blog is just wonderful and it takes me down memory line to my grandmother's garden in Croatia. She had so many beautiful flowers. That is the source of the inspiration for my artwork, flower seeds planted in my heart long time ago.
Looking forward to following your blog, and enjoying great images.
Beautiful photos!! I love the colors!
Have a great day!
Hi Cat!
Thank you so mutch for the nice word!
You have a beautiful blog to.
Like your lovely pictures of the garden. Stunning!
Have a nice week!
Hugs / Åsa.
Hi Catherine, tank you for the lovely comment you left on my post!
Your blog is always so beautiful full of great captures and wonderful colours! I love them!
See you soon, hugs
I like your vibrant perspective.
Beautiful Photographs. We had a nice rain too recently right about dusk. Very peaceful.
Hello Catherine, it´s a onour to have visit from the states! I´m happy to here that y like my blog. Old things are so beautiful and the feeling of the history is wonderful to have in our home. I hope that it´s ok to link y site on mine? I didn´t know that this style was populary so far away.
bout this wonderful book has two girls blogers maid this and came out for a couple a weeks ago. So what I know it´s yet only in Swedish. Many says this is the best one ever and it has lot of beautiful pictures of many blogers home in Sweden! If y won´t to I can look up if it will be in english or do y still won´t it anyway? I can help y to order it if y wan´t so!
Many best regardes
Thanks for the nice comments in my blog, yes we have bears in northern of Sweden. Do you live in Canada? is it a lot of blackbears in Canada, I think.
Yes I hawe done the white chabby cabinet and the chandeliers.
I do realy looooooove your lovely pictures, with the waterdrops.
And allso the butterflyes. I think you have a lovely garden.
You no,Its nice to hear that you like beatifuls teacups.
It is realy nice to collect teacups.
Thank you for the nice word aboute nature,(in yours blog) and to find peace, for the soul, thats right.
I hope you can reed the word I write to you,
Perhaps the word is not in the correct order.
Know I have a reason to learn english better.
I wich you a very peacful and loverly day.
Hug Zara in Northern Sweden.I live near the Arctic Circle.
Thanx for visiting my site.You have really nice photos and flowers here.Hope youre having a great weekend to.Katta
Cat.. I have been visitin your beautiful log for quite a ile now... never once have I 'not' left here feel beter for the visit. Your post go from strength to strength and are pure joy to behold.
wow! these shots are amazing!!
Cat, Your collage images are breathtaking! I love the use of colors by Mother Nature and your photos are so beautiful.
Thanks for stopping by!
xo Roberta
Hi Cat,
Your visit led me here to your blog & it only took a brief look around to know I must follow you. Your photos are stunning. Enlarging them is a delight, finding the little nuances & surprises they hold.
Lovely blog :-)
(p.s. Yes, that is indeed Angelonia in the background, behind the vinca.)
As usual, you bring us more amazing collages and gorgeous photos.
Quite refreshing to the soul visiting your blog.
Cat, all your August photos are simply stunning...as always.
Dear Catherine,
really beautiful pictures and what greatfull colors!It makes one to smile:P
The white bracelet and the other ones, has my sister made. She is very good and I`m proud. When we are togheter, we often handmade ornaments or crochet.
Hope y hade a nice sunday!
Many hugs from me,
What a colors of nature brings about.
Very nice collage you show, beautiful butterflies.
Many greetings Melontha
Cat, Your collages always make me so happy - the colours and the compositions are just great!
Wonderful mosaics of beautiful Nature... :)
superber, magnifique
bonne semaine
Hallo cat!!!
Thank you for the nice word on my blogg!!!
What a wonderful picture,the one with butterflys!!!I just loved it.You have to excuse my bad english,but i hope you understand what i have written!!!
Hugs from Anne-lie
By tapping into the essence of the beauty that surrounds us, we find an inexhaustable source of energy that lifts us to new places of seeing.
You have a wonderful way of seeing beauty Cat.
about the book..I have done some research if it´s gona be in english version and the girls are trying to find a translater. When it is done I promise to tell you right away!
Many best Elin!
Hello Catherine,
I´m so overjoyed like usual about your wounderful collages.
Have a great weekend
A fabulous burst of purple as the page opens. It's quite startling. And the petals are very butterfly like. I'm going away all cheerful!
Hi dear Cat :) A beautiful post, as always ... fills my heart with joy seeing your lovely photos. BIG HUGS and Happy Autumn, dear friend.
Well, here I am on my monthly visit, Catherine...and what a beautiful post again...I especially love the first mosaic...the colours press all the right buttons for me :)
Another visit to this post!
I still specially like the top one - delicate and luminous.
Beautiful pictures! I am sorry, I haven't visited for a while. you must be on a break from posting? I hope all is well with you. Andrea
Fantastic photos and collages! Thanks for your kind words.
Have a great week!
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